How To Have Psychic Dreams

How To Have Psychic Dreams

All witches know that dreams are important. They can be used for divination, for seeking guidance from our gods and guardians, and for communicating with loved ones that have passed on. Many people--even skeptics--have experienced a psychic dream at some point in their life, or know of someone who has. A common belief is that psychic dreams are random and uncontrollable events. However, with a little practice and dedicated attention, you can increase your capacity for prophetic dreaming.

First of all, there are two main types of psychic dreams: Precognitive and telepathic. Precognitive dreams are those in which we see events which have not yet taken place. Many people have reported experiencing precognitive dreams which later come true. For example, you might dream about an accident which happens to a friend, or (hopefully!) you might dream about winning the lottery before your lucky numbers come up. While precognitive dreaming is relatively rare, it is still something that many witches believe in and practice.

Telepathic dreams are those in which we communicate with others through our dreams. This could be communicating with a friend or family member, or it could be receiving messages from spirit guides or deities. Telepathic dreaming is a bit more common than precognitive dreaming, and is something that many witches find useful for gaining guidance and wisdom. If you have an especially close bond with someone—a lover or pet, for instance—you may begin to share dreams with them. This is a sure sign that your powers of psychic dreaming are beginning to awaken.

All this sounds cool, right? So, if you're interested in having psychic dreams, there are a few things you can do to increase your chances of success. First, keep a dream journal by your bedside so that you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up from them. This will help you to remember them more clearly. Be sure to date each entry and include as many details as possible, such as colors, emotions, and images. Dreams that seem confusing or unimportant at the time may gain significance later.

Once you’re regularly having dreams that you remember, it’s time for the next-level stuff: Dreaming at will! Cultivating psychic dreams—also known as dream incubation—has been practiced since ancient times. Witches and shamans have long used the dreams state to receive messages from the gods, communicate with spirits, and to gain information about events that may happen in the future.

Try meditating before bedtime and focus on what kind of dream you would like to have. Before you fall asleep, set the intention that you would like to remember your dreams and that you would like them to be prophetic. You can say this out loud or silently to yourself. It is important to be specific about what you want. Then, as you drift off to sleep, visualize yourself receiving the messages you desire through your dreams. The more you pay attention to your dreams, the more you will tend to remember upon waking.

As Witches, we often perform rituals or spells focused on psychic dreaming. Try exploring crystals and herbs that are traditionally associated with prophetic dreaming. (I’ll share a few examples below…there are many excellent books and resources on this topic if you’d like to know more!)

Lavender is one of the most well-known dream herbs. Lavender oil can be dabbed on the pulse points or diffused in an aromatherapy diffuser. Other options include mugwort, passion flower, and jasmine. You can also make a tea with any of these herbs before bedtime or place them in a dream pillow or sachet.

Some crystals for dreaming include clear quartz, moonstone, obsidian, and amethyst. You can meditate with one of these crystals to ask for assistance with dreaming, and/or sleep with it under your pillow.

Besides crystals or herbs, some people find it helpful to perform energy work—such as chakra clearing, grounding and centering, or ritual bathing before settling in for a night of dreaming. These practices can help quiet the mind and allow psychic messages to come through more easily.

Trying one or more of these techniques should help encourage psychic dreaming. Remember that it may take some time and practice before you start having dreams that are completely accurate or which offer profound messages. Be kind to yourself--patience and perseverance are key. By keeping a dream journal, meditating before bedtime, and performing rituals focused on psychic dreaming, anyone can learn how to have precognitive or telepathic dreams. Start practicing today and see what kind of magic you can achieve!

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